1Can You Buy a Business in Canada as a Non-Citizen or Foreigner?
There are multiple options available for foreign business people interested in buying or starting a business in Canada. Under Canada’s federal and provincial laws governing corporations, a non-resident or foreign entrepreneur or investor may register a company in Canada from scratch or by setting up a branch office or creating a subsidiary company in Canada. However, first, you will have to decide whether you wish to start a business in Canada by immigrating or without living in Canada.
Most options for buying a business in Canada for non-citizens may also include routes for temporary or permanent residence.
First, you may be eligible for Canada’s Start-Up Visa program with the support of a designated investor organization or venture capital fund. Under this program, you will also need to have a qualifying business, be proficient in English or French, and have enough funds to support yourself and your family when you move to Canada.
Second, if you already have an established business you wish to expand into Canada, each individual province or territory has its own....
2How Does the Start-Up Visa Program Help Immigrant Entrepreneurs?
The Start-Up Visa Program allows immigrant entrepreneurs to start innovative businesses that will increase employment opportunities in Canada. The Start-Up Visa assists entrepreneurs who are new to Canada in overcoming the challenges of successfully starting a business in a new country while also obtaining a temporary visa or permanent residency. This program also allows business owners to be more competitive on a global scale by operating a business within Canada’s growing economy supported by one of the most highly educated workforces in the world.
What are the Benefits of Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program?
Indeed, Canada’s strong and innovative economy, excellent quality of life, and low business operating costs and taxes provide significant benefits for a foreign entrepreneur interested in starting a business in a new country, while the Start-Up Visa program makes it much easier for such entrepreneurs to take advantage of these benefits.
Additionally, one of the most significant benefits of Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program is the program’s role in linking dynamic foreign entrepreneurs with private sector...
3How Do I Get a Work Permit in Canada?
How to Get a Work Permit in Canada?Foreign workers seeking employment in Canada will need to obtain a work permit. There are two types of work permits available in Canada: restricted work permits and open work permits. While some jobs are exempt from work permits, most jobs will require one.
Restricted Work Permits
Restricted work permits are the most common type of work permit issued in Canada. These work permits are only issued for a specific employer, so you will need to obtain a new work permit if you change employers. Work permits also have a set duration. However, you may apply for a new work permit from inside Canada. The maximum duration a foreign worker may work in Canada is four years. After 4 years, you must leave Canada and will be unable to obtain a new work permit until an additional 4 years have passed. This takes into account all time worked in Canada, whether it is continuous or with gaps between work periods.
The steps for obtaining a work permit in Canada include:
1. LMIA Assessment
Your prospective employer must apply for a...
4How to Move to Canada by Buying a Business
Canada has a number of immigration pathways that are designed to attract wealthy business immigrants. One such pathway is the Owner-Operator program that allows foreign investors to invest in a business in Canada and move to Canada to become permanent residents.
The Owner-Operator program allows foreign owners of Canadian companies to come to Canada to run their businesses and to settle in Canada permanently. In order to benefit from this program, foreign investors must buy a business in Canada or establish their own business in Canada and demonstrate to the Canadian immigration authorities that their business is genuine and will create employment opportunities for Canadians.
However, please see our article about the recent changes to this program which make it more burdensome to some extent.
Foreign investors who meet the following requirements are the ideal candidates for the...
5Owner-Operator LMIA Work Permit FAQ
Service Canada announced that they are completely revising the Owner-Operator LMIA program
Can I buy a business in Canada as a foreigner while on a tourist visa?
Yes, it is possible to own a business in Canada while being on a tourist visa. However, you will have to meet certain requirements and the laws differ depending on the type of business you buy as well as the province in which it will operate. Our team can assist you in finding a suitable business in Canada and buying an existing business in Canada or establishing your business from scratch.
Do I have to relocate to Canada once I purchase a business in Canada?
As a business owner, working in Canada with a valid work permit, it is expected that you will actively manage your business in Canada. Therefore, your presence in Canada is generally required. However, this does not mean that you cannot travel while working in Canada, especially if your business requires extensive traveling outside of Canada....
6How do I get more details about a business for sale?
March 9, 2024
If you have a business for sale or want to sell a franchise for your business, fill out the form below.
December 7, 2023